One month of Deep Meditations experience
Feb 8, 2025
Read about some other recent activities organized by Kadampa centers around the world.
In recent weeks, groups of very different ages from different areas of the Guadalhorce Valley enjoyed meditation at the Temple for World Peace in Malaga.
Buses full of children, teenagers and adults have come from different schools and colleges to participate in special guided tours of the Temple, and connect with the legacy of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.
How fortunate to have a virtuous seed planted in their hearts. Thank you, Geshe-la, for so much kindness!
Our community at KMC Fort Lauderdale enjoyed Wisdom Buddha Manjushri empowerment on Saturday, November 23 with Resident Teacher, Gen Jindak. Volunteers created a beautiful shrine and made a delicious vegetarian lunch.
It was a very blessed day with Sangha visitors from around Florida.
Dromtonpa Kadampa Buddhist Center (in Bern) just completed its retreat on emptiness at Kailash IRC.
It was a very auspicious retreat where we let ourselves be taken to the beautiful places of emptiness.
Maitreya Kadampa Buddhist Centre in Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex, recently celebrated its 20th anniversary with friends old and new. We began our celebrations with an Offering to the Spiritual Guide puja, followed by an open morning for the local community to drop in for tea and cake.
Thank you Venerable Geshe-la for all you have given us. May we continue to strive to repay your kindness by helping others to find true peace and happiness through the practice of holy Kadam Dharma.
The practice of the 35 Confession Buddhas was taught by our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Mila, from the Vajrapani Kadampa Buddhist Centre. A perfect morning was had by our Johannesburg attendees.
What a delightful group thank you, everyone! Thank you for the lovely teaching today. It was very special.
Our Friday lunchtime class, Cultivating Happiness, welcomed staff from the Astro Spa to learn how to meditate. Everyone left feeling calm and peaceful.