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16 August 2024

Staying connected

Over the past year, many improvements have been made to increase the online availability of Kadam Dharma. Now reaching more people than ever with daily news, podcasts, a YouTube channel, and blogs, people can stay connected and inspired by the teachings and the Kadampa way of life.


NKT-IKBU Official Youtube Channel

Meditate at home on NKT YouTube!  The official YouTube channel of the NKT is continually expanding, offering a rich selection of readings from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso's books, introductory teachings on Meditation and Buddhism, Spanish introductory teachings, deep peace meditations, and much more. Explore our YouTube channel to discover the content that resonates with you.

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Living Clarity - Kadampa Podcasts

The podcast offerings have expanded, giving you access to in-depth teachings from Kadampa Teachers around the world. Living Clarity podcasts are now available on major streaming platforms like Spotify and Apple Music. Just search for Living Clarity on your preferred app and start listening.


Inspiring Stories of Kadampa Practitioners

A collection of deeply inspiring real-life stories from Kadampa practitioners, showing how the practice of Modern Buddhism can support individuals through some of life's most challenging experiences, such as the loss of loved ones, a cancer diagnosis, and addiction. These stories also highlight how Buddhist wisdom and meditation can bring happiness and balance to our life.

Relief from anxiety

Panic would set in: how was I going to be able to support him with his journey in life when I still felt like I was behaving like a reactive teenager who was managing a massive “to-do” list that never ended?

kindness.feeding a bird

Instead of seeing potholes I see the kindness in between

The world really looks different. Instead of looking for faults everywhere, such as potholes in the road, traffic jams or grumpy people, I now see the kindness in between.

Dealing with the Fear of Surgery

The envelope arrived in the mail explaining the basic info I needed to know for my surgery. “Surgery?” I thought… I wanted to use this experience to really apply Dharma, to strengthen my refuge practice.

Kadampa Daily News

Kadampa Daily News brings you the latest developments and updates from around the world, offering an opportunity to rejoice in and witness the far-reaching impact of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche's works. Check in daily to stay connected with the global Kadampa community and see what's happening around the world.

Retreating from the busyness of our life

Retreating from our busy daily lives to relax, deepen our Dharma understanding, and enhance our meditation practice is a wonderful opportunity to make progress on our spiritual path. Recently, centers in sunny Florida, the mountainous suburbs of Madrid, and the peaceful English countryside provided environments for rejuvenating and meaningful breaks.

Shining Open Days in Malaga

As they do every year after the Summer Festival, the Kadampa Temple for World Peace and the urban center in Malaga opened their doors for open days. These are special days when everyone can try Kadampa meditation and understand the function of Kadampa centers in the world.

The blessings of Arya Tara pervading our world

Recently the blessing empowerment of Arya Tara was given at centers in different parts of the world. It is wonderful to think that Buddha Tara’s blessings are reaching people everywhere, transforming the minds of living beings.


Retreating from the busyness of our life

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Shining Open Days in Malaga

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The blessings of Arya Tara pervading our world


Swiss–Italian–Austrian National Festival 2024