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22 June 2024

Increasing Wisdom

Can the most profound teachings of Buddha - the teachings on the ultimate nature of reality - become practical tools for our daily lives? In June, three Kadampa centers organized courses to explore this very topic, sharing the profound wisdom and insights of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

Gen Sangden's Visit to KMC Guadalajara

June's visit of our beloved National Spiritual Director, Gen Kelsang Sangden to KMC Guadalajara in Mexico was well received by our community.

On Friday afternoon we had a public talk called How to Solve our Anger Problem, where we learned how the mind of anger harms us and how our real enemies are not external, but are our negative states of mind, therefore if we learn to control our mind. Therefore we will be able to enjoy the inner peace that we long for.

The next day Gen Sangden guided a retreat called How Does the World Exist? How do I Exist? where we had the opportunity to listen to and meditate on Buddha's most profound teachings on the wisdom realizing emptiness. In 3 sessions we received teachings that helped us to increase our wisdom and we meditated together on the emptiness of our body, our self, and all phenomena.

Guest Teacher Gen Khandro at KMC Austria

In mid-June, the Resident Teacher from Kadampa Meditation Centre Munich, Gen Khandro, visited us in Vienna.

At Kadampa Meditation Centre Austria in Vienna, we enjoyed an inspiring weekend course called Leaving the Matrix- Understanding our Reality Through Emptiness. In this course, Gen Khandro gave practical and profound teachings on how we can understand the ultimate nature of all phenomena.

It was a wonderful experience for all of us! A heartfelt “Thank you” to Venerable Geshe-la, Gen Khandro, and everyone who attended!

Course in Elche - How to integrate emptiness into daily life

On Sunday 16 June in Elche, Spain, a course called How to Integrate Emptiness into Daily Life took place. Thank you so much to everyone for making it possible! In the King of Concentration Sutra Buddha says: "A magician creates various things, Such as horses, elephants and so forth. His creations do not actually exist; You should know all things in the same way."

The well-received course thought by Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Ganden was organized by KBC Alicante. Everybody enjoyed this practical course on how to integrate the most profound wisdom of emptiness into their daily life taught by Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Ganden.

Podcasts now available in three languages!

Kadampa Podcasts Now Available in Three Languages

NKT-IKBU - New Kadampa Tradition - Manjushri KMC -41

Celebrations of Buddha’s Return from Heaven Day – 2024

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US Festival 2024 ~ The first time at the IKRC Grand Canyon


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