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23 June 2024

Kadam Dharma is flourishing in the south of Brazil

In the heart of the magical island of Florianopolis in the middle of a very cool neighborhood is our southernmost Kadampa center of Brazil - KMC Florianopolis.

KMC Florianopolis is absolutely ready to shine far and wide. With the arrival of our new Resident Teacher, Kelsang Dechog, the center is full of life with people joining us from all over Brazil. We meditate and pray together, eat and laugh together, but most of all we work with great energy to spread Kadam Dharma in Florianopolis and the south of Brazil.

May everybody everywhere find release from suffering, and may the world be permanently at peace.

Recently we have been a variety of Dharma activities including a public talk, contributing to the community social project as well as walking and meditating with Sangha and exploring this beautiful island.

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