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17 May 2024

Away retreats on Pure Love

In May some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience of the powerful minds of love and compassion. Here KMC Ottawa, KMC Brisbane and Khedrubje Kadampa Buddhist Centre (Hull, UK) enjoyed away retreats.

Love Without Pain - KMC brisbane

NKT - KMC BRISBANE 2024 27669a4f-5e9a-4b3e-9447-2ceed8767e0c

Last weekend Kadampa Meditation Centre Brisbane held their first weekend retreat at Camp Somerset, about 90 minutes outside Brisbane.

Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Ani, guided meditations on Love Without Pain. We meditated on the difference between the minds of attachment and love, and received practical advice on the benefits of cherishing others. The retreat environment was perfect for putting the teachings into practice.

Between sessions everyone enjoyed each other's company and many new friendships were formed.

The local wildlife also made an appearance, with some retreatants enjoying close encounters with wallabies, lorikeets and even a baby crane.

The Healing Power of Taking & Giving - KMC ottawa

NKT - KMC OTAWA 2024 IMG_3801

Kadampa Meditation Centre Ottawa had a wonderful 'away retreat' this weekend at the Manoir de la Forêt in Cantley, Quebec. It was led by our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Thekchen, and the retreat was called 'The Healing Power of Taking and Giving'.

Gen Thekchen gave us a profound experience of these meditations and everyone, including beginners, left the retreat feeling refreshed and enriched. It was also so wonderful to have the opportunity to relax in this beautiful, quiet environment, so conducive to developing the inner experience of these beautiful meditations.

Thank you Venerable Geshe-la and Gen Thekchen!



Khedrubje Kadampa Buddhist Centre in Hull enjoyed a peaceful weekend retreat at the beautiful Nagarjuna Kadampa Meditation Centre in Northamptonshire.

We all enjoyed a deeply relaxing weekend getaway, with wonderful teachings on cherishing love in conjunction with the five forces from Resident Teacher, Gen Rigma.

Ordination 2024 - Milob (11)

Ordination Day – Summer Festival 2024

Group Photo 2024

Intensive Teacher Training Program 2024 drawing to an end


New Statues Appear

ITTP work day

Resident Teachers preparing for the Festival