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16 May 2024

Deepen Your Experience

2024 Post Spring Festival Retreats

The three International Festivals are invaluable opportunities to receive teachings and empowerments from the Gen-las. This experience is further enriched by spending time in retreat after the Festival to deepen our understanding of the teachings and internalize their meaning. Kadampa centers worldwide organize post-festival retreats after each of the three International Festivals.

See below for details of the retreats following the 2024 Spring Festival.

Kadampa Meditation Centre France

May 31 – Jun 3

Spring Post Festival Retreat

with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, the Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and the Resident Teacher at IKRC Grand Canyon.

Based on teachings from the Spring Festival at Manjushri KMC, Gen-la Kelsang Jampa will guide this retreat.

Kadampa Meditation Centre Deuachen, Portugal

Jun 7 – 10

Accomplishing the Great Wisdom Protection

with Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, National Spiritual Director of Austria, Switzerland, Italy and South Africa and teaches at National Festivals and Dharma Celebrations.

Based on teachings from the Spring Festival at Manjushri KMC, Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang will guide a weekend retreat.

Madhyamaka Kadampa Meditation Centre

May 30 – Jun 5

A Fearless Heart: drawing closer to the Wisdom Protector

with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, Retired General Spiritual Director of the NKT-IKU and the Resident Teacher at Tara IKRC

This Post-International Spring Festival retreat will provide the opportunity to draw closer to the Wisdom Protector, Dorje Shugden, through meditations guided by Gen-la Khyenrab on the precious commentary to the Extensive Protector Puja.

Tara International Kadampa Retreat Centre

May 30 – Jun 5

Removing Our Obstacles with Wisdom

Gen Kelsang Rigpa, Western USA National Spiritual Director and Resident Teacher of KMC Los Angeles

Following on from Spring Festival, Gen Kelsang Rigpa will highlight the importance and functions of a Dharma Protector as well as review and guide meditations on the teachings we will have received at Spring Festival 2024. These sessions will help us draw close to our Dharma Protector, Dorje Shugden, whilst developing our wisdom and compassion as well as help us to overcome obstacles to our spiritual progress.

Kadampa Meditation Centre Barcelona

May 31 – Jun 4

Wisdom, Your Great Protector

with Gen Kelsang Rabten, Resident Teacher of KMC Australia and KMC Melbourne

Based on teachings from the Spring Festival at Manjushri KMC, Gen K. Rabten will guide a 4 day retreat, sharing the explanation of Gen-la K. Jampa of the commentaries that Venerable Geshe-la has given on the Melodious Drum practice, the ‘Fulfilling and Restoring Ritual’, which is usually performed monthly in Kadampa centers.

Kadampa Meditation Centre London

Jun 1 – 2

Living Fearlessly Post Spring Festival Retreat

with Gen Kelsang Demo, Midwestern US National Spiritual Director and the Resident Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Washington DC

In this Post Spring Festival Retreat, Gen Kelsang Demo will guide meditations that help us draw closer to the Wisdom Protector Dorje Shugden. This is a wonderful opportunity to deepen our experience of teachings given at the Spring Festival on the precious Extensive Protector Puja “Melodious Drum”.

Kadampa Meditation Center Madrid

May 31 – Jun 3

Attaining the Great Protection of Wisdom

With Gen Kelsang Chokga, National Spiritual Director for Spain and Portugal and Resident Teacher at KMC Spain

Retreat based on the teachings received at the International Spring Festival, which will take place from 24-29 May 2024, at KMC Manyhushri, UK

Dorje Shugden is a Dharma Protector, an emanation of Wisdom Buddha, who dispels obstacles to our spiritual practice and brings about the conditions necessary for us to attain spiritual realisations.

Tharpaland Kadampa Meditation Centre

May 31 – Jun 4

The Power and Joy of the Dharma Protector

with Kadam Morten Clausen, Eastern US National Spiritual Director of the New Kadampa Tradition and Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Center New York City.

Following on Gen-la Jampa’s empowerment and teachings given at 2024 International Spring Festival, Kadam Morten will guide us in deepening our experience of and connection to Dorje Shugden, the special Enlightened Buddha who is the Dharma Protector of our tradition.

Kailash International Retreat Centre

May 30 – Jun 3

Powerful Protection

with Gen Kelsang Tonglam, National Spiritual Director for East Asia and Resident Teacher at KMC Hong Kong and Taiwan

Based on teachings from the Spring Festival at Manjushri KMC, Gen Tonglam will guide a 5-day retreat. Come and enjoy the beautiful and peaceful environment of Kailash IRC and draw closer to the Wisdom Protector Dorje Shugden, through meditations guided by Gen Tonglam in qualified retreat conditions.

Kadampa Meditation Center South Carolina

Jun 7 – 9

Refuge from the Storm

with Kadam Michelle Gauthier, Resident Teacher of KMC Tampa Bay

Based upon the teachings at this year’s NKT Spring Festival 2024, Kadam Michelle will guide a weekend retreat, Emphasizing how we can rely upon the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden to avert the inner and outer obstacles that prevent practitioners from gaining spiritual realizations, and to arrange all the necessary conditions for their practice to make swift progress along the spiritual path.

Kadampa Meditation Center Spain

May 31 – Jun 2

The Practice of Protection of Great Wisdom

with Gen Kelsang Osel

In this retreat Gen Kelsang Osel will guide us to put into practice the instructions received at the 2024 Kadampa International Spring Festival, where we received powerful blessings in the Dorje Shugden initiation to “Achieve the protection of great wisdom.


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