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07 December 2023

Thanksgiving Celebrations at IKRC Grand Canyon

Thanksgiving at IKRC Grand Canyon was celebrated on multiple occasions. From community meals to special retreats, the community and guests had a great opportunity to come together to give thanks and rejoice in the development of their Centre.

Dakini Yoga Thanksgiving Retreat

IKRC Grand Canyon hosted a Dakini Yoga Thanksgiving Holiday Retreat towards the end of November. Gen-la Jampa led sessions of Vajrayogini prayer practice and meditation using the middling sadhana of Vajrayogini, Dakini Yoga. He read excerpts from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s Dakini Yoga teachings from 1990.

This retreat was especially timely for the IKRC Grand Canyon’s TTP class, which is currently studying The New Guide to Dakini Land. The Temple also saw its first dusting of snow of the season on the first morning of the retreat.

Food for Thought Night Out

The IKRC Grand Canyon held its second Food for Thought night out. Local communities in Parks, Ash Fork, Flagstaff, and Prescott, AZ visited to enjoy a relaxing breathing meditation with Gen-la Jampa in the Kadampa Temple for World Peace, followed by a delicious autumn-inspired, vegetarian meal.

Community Thanksgiving

The community Thanksgiving at IKRC Grand Canyon was prepared by the Kitchen Manager and her team of helpers. It was a wonderful homemade feast that brought together residents and members of the community to share quality time together and rejoice in the past year's activities and developments at IKRC Grand Canyon.

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