Reaching new areas in Chile
Jan 9, 2025
Last week at KMC Rio de Janeiro, the Resident Teacher Kelsang Chochin granted the blessing empowerment of the Great Mother Prajnaparamita and gave teachings on the practice, including a transmission of the Heart Sutra, followed by a short and beautiful retreat.
This was a very blessed, profound and joyful event. An opportunity like no other where over forty fortunate people attended in-person. We had the opportunity to deepen our understanding and experience on wisdom in general and on perfection of wisdom in particular.
In such degenerate and difficult times, it’s quite rare to find such clear and perfect teachings about true wisdom, as presented by our most precious Spiritual Guide Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. Bringing these teachings to our heart, we can learn to develop and maintain a mind of wisdom and compassion for all living beings. In this way we can easily and quickly change our world and the world of those who surround us, from an experience of suffering and problems to the supreme experience of full enlightenment.
Right after this inspiring empowerment, we will also begin to study The New Heart of Wisdom in our Teacher Training Program, with over 20 practitioners. How fortunate we are!