Concentration retreat in Granada

Granada KMC recently organized a meditation retreat near the city of Granada. The retreat was called “The peace of concentration”. Surrounded by the tranquillity of nature, the participants were able to train their mind in tranquil abiding according to the Mahamudra oral instructions, focusing their mind in the very subtle mind as their meditation object.

2023 Post Summer Festival retreats

The three International Festivals are precious opportunities to receive teachings and empowerments from the Gen-las, and this experience is greatly enhanced if we can spend some time after the Festival in retreat improving our understanding of the teachings and taking their meaning to heart.

Metal Statue Project Update – new prototype for the future generation

After months of dedicated work by the artists at Kadampa Art Studio, a new metal statue prototype for Kadampa Centres worldwide is nearing completion. Through the meticulous processes of bronze casting, welding, chasing, and sanding, the prototype is on the verge of entering the finishing room for its final stage of painting.

Gen-la Khyenrab special visit at KMC Vajrapani

Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab had a special visit to Vajrapani KMC this weekend. He gave a public talk on Friday evening, “Lift your life out of the ordinary”, followed by a day course on Saturday, “Being fearless in appearance and emptiness”.

Canadian Festival ~ An Ocean of Compassion

This year at the Canadian National Festival 2023 attendees received the Blessing Empowerment of Buddha Avalokiteshvara and teachings on compassion with Gen Kelsang Samten.