Receiving the blessings of liberating prayer

a special opportunity at the spring festival 2023

"Liberating Prayer is not an ordinary prayer – It is like a text and has profound meaning. All Lamrim teachings – renunciation, bodhichitta, and correct view of emptiness are included in this prayer. I can say very few people understand Liberating Prayer. It definitely needs verbal commentary by a Teacher. If we understand and contemplate its meaning - it is the best method to develop faith in Buddha and his teachings, which is our spiritual life and the root of all Dharma realizations."

venerable geshe kelsang gyatso rinpoche

venerable geshe kelsang gyatso rinpoche giving the oral transmission, spring festival 2006

receiving the blessings


At this year's International Kadampa Spring Festival Gen-la Dekyong will share a special transmission and blessing of the meaning of this prayer that she received directly from Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

You can attend this festival in-person or online.

drawing closer to buddha

Reciting this special prayer while contemplating its meaning draws us closer to Buddha Shakyamuni, who is the Buddha of our world. We understand his many qualities, increase our faith and receive powerful blessings.

5star KMC Spain spanish liberating prayer ginaw

"For Buddhists, faith in Buddha Shakyamuni is their spiritual life; it is the root of all Dharma realizations. If we have deep faith in Buddha we shall naturally develop the strong wish to practise his teachings. With this wish we shall definitely apply effort in our Dharma practice, and with strong effort we shall accomplish permanent liberation from the suffering of this life and countless future lives."

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, Modern Buddhism

Book now for the International Kadampa Spring Festival to receive teachings on this inspiring prayer.

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