Coming together in California

This weekend KMC Los Angeles hosted the California Dharma Celebration - a special time for Kadampas in California.

Gen Kelsang Rigpa, Western US National Spiritual Director and Resident Teacher at KMC Los Angeles, granted the blessing  empowerment of Buddha White Tara and gave teachings from the practical text on Buddhist psychology and meditation, The New Eight Steps to Happiness by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.

"Dharma Celebrations are so valuable. They offer a place to receive blessings of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha, all at once. This weekend's California Dharma Celebration was no exception.

The introductory talk was taught by Gen Choma and the meditations were lead by Gen Tsoglam.

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2025 Public talk KMC Spain_02-02-2025_16

Public talks in the North and South of Spain


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NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2025 Lamrim retreat (3-9 January 2025)_KMC Spain_8

One month of Deep Meditation experience


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