Australian Festival 2025
Jan 10, 2025
In the Kadampa calendar, January is especially important for longer retreats organised by various centers around the world.
Led by experienced meditators, these retreats provide an opportunity to gain deep experience of the spiritual path that will nourish you throughout the year.
Here is a selection of the retreats for January 2023:
4 - 25 January, 2022
Closer and closer to Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka
with Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong
5 January - 14 February, 2023
Heruka Counting Retreat
5 January - 2 February, 2023
Vajrayogini Counting Retreat
6 January - 16 February, 2023
Mountain Retreat 2023
one week of meditations on the Three Principal Aspects of the Path and one week of Lamrim based on the presentation in The Mirror of Dharma With Additions
followed by four weeks of guided meditations on the profound path of Vajrayana Mahamudra based on the Clear Light of Bliss
with Gen-la Kelsang Jampa
3 January - 13 February, 2023
with Resident Teacher Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab
2 - 8 January - LAMRIM The stages of the path of enlightenment
with Gen-la Thubten
9 - 15 January - LOJONG The training of the mind
with Gen Kelsang Ananda
16 - 26 January - MAHAMUDRA Generation and completion stages of Highest Yoga Tantra
with Gen-la Kunsang
2 - 28 January - VAJRAYOGINI Close counting retreat
with Gen Chokga
3 - 29 January, 2023
Week 1: Tummo meditations, with Gen Lochani
Week 2: Tranquil abiding on the mind itself, with Gen Lochani
Week 3: Emptiness meditations, with Gen Lochani
Week 4: The union of bliss & emptiness, with Gen-la Thubten
13 - 22 January, 2023
Joyful way retreat: how to integrate the 11 yogas into daily life
with Gen-la Thubten
5 - 29 January, 2023
Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka retreat
with Gen Tsongmo
3 January - 17 February, 2023
Clear Light of Bliss – 6 week Silent Retreat
guided by Gen Kelsang Devi
Part 1 A special close retreat of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka
Part 2 Clarity and Joy – Training in Vajrayana Mahamudra
3 January - 7 February 2023
Heruka retreat
with Kadam Olivier Terreault
3 January - 7 February 2023
Vajrayogini retreat
with Kadam Olivier Terreault
6 - 11 January, 2023
13 - 18 January
Grounds and Paths of Mahamudra Tantra
with Gen Eupame
1 - 8 January, 2023
Lamrim retreat "The mirror of Dharma"
with Gen Ananda
2 - 22 January, 2023
Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka - close retreat with Gen Ananda
3 - 7 January 2023
Vajrayogini Retreat: Blissful Path with Kadam Bridget Heyes - UK National Spiritual Director
9 - 14 January 2023
Heruka Retreat with Kadam Chris Heyes
16 - 21 January 2023
Lamrim Retreat with Gen Kelsang Nyingpo
6 - 12 January 2023
Lamrim retreat with Gen-la Kunsang
13 - 19 January 2023
Asanga’s Eleven Ways of Benefiting Others
with Gen Losel
20 - 26 January 2023
Start Your Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka Counting Retreat
with Gen Tubpa