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05 September 2022

Clear light of Bliss

Post Festival Retreat at KMC Hong Kong with Gen Tonglam

Recently, Gen Kelsang Tonglam, Resident Teacher at KMC Hong Kong, explained and guided sublime meditations from Clear Light of Bliss during the Post Summer Festival retreat.

"As Gen Tonglam reminds us, all we need to do is to keep encouraging ourselves to engage in these meditations with a light and joyful mind and Bodhichitta motivation. This is the best way to repay the immeasurable kindness of our Spiritual Guide."


Summer Festival 2024 in Videos


Deepen Your Festival Experience with a Post-festival retreat

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche face

Summer Festival 2024 ~ Day 16


Summer Festival 2024 ~ Day 15