The Joy of the Middle Way

Teachings & Retreat on Chapter 9 of Shantideva's Guide

with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab at IKRC Grand Canyon

Over the NKT Day Weekend, April 1 - 5, IKRC Grand Canyon will be hosting a very special event.

The root of all our suffering is the ignorance of self-grasping, together with its imprints. To sever this root, it is necessary to develop the wisdom realizing ultimate truth, or emptiness, motivated by the supreme good heart of bodhichitta. In particular, we have to realize that the two truths – conventional truth and ultimate truth – do not contradict but mutually assist each other. By understanding the two truths we will realize the middle way that is free from the two extremes.

In this very special NKT Day weekend event, we have the rare opportunity to receive teachings and be guided in retreat by Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired NKT General Spiritual Director. Gen-la Khyenrab will explain the essential meaning of the ninth chapter of Shantideva's Guide following Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso’s commentary in Meaningful to Behold.

Registration and more information:

Gen Sangden, Mexico

Gen Sanden
"I can't think of a better weekend than listening to teachings from Gen-la Khyenrab on wisdom realizing emptiness!"

Gen Choma, California

Gen Choma
"Life is short, busy, and full of distractions. Immersing in The Middle Way in the beautiful, conducive environment of IKRC Grand Canyon is beyond.
I’m so looking forward to in-person teachings and retreat with Gen-la Khyenrab and traveling this path with other spiritual friends, freeing ourselves from extremes. Let’s go!"

Gen Tabkay, Arizona

Gen Tabkay

"I am so looking forward to receiving the nectar of these teachings on emptiness from Gen-la Khyenrab in the World Peace Temple surrounded by my Sangha friends. All of these conditions are so precious and rare, I'm definitely going because I don't know when I'll have an opportunity like this again!"

Gen Lingpur, Arizona

Gen Lingpur
"I am so looking forward to Gen-la Khyenrabs’s course on The Middle Way and getting back up to the IKRC after a long break. Hope to see many of you there."

Trina, Colorado

"I am attending The Joy of the Middle Way at the IKRC this April because I need to realize emptiness before I die! Receiving teachings and blessings of Shantideva's ninth chapter in the temple will surely bring me closer to the liberating view of the middle way."

Yogi, New York

"It is said that if you want to dispel a practitioner’s pride, ask them to explain Chapter 9 of Shantideva’s Guide to Bodhisattva’s Way of Life. My teacher would put it more skillfully and say “it’s not difficult, it just needs some familiarity”. We need lots of teachings, meditations and blessings to get that familiarity with the Middle Way and the opportunity to study and do a retreat on this text is quite rare. Please skip this retreat... if you’re a Superior Being, and get in touch!
And it’s Gen-la Khyenrab! He makes everything super relaxed and fun with his wit and charm, yet cleverly sneaks in jewels of profound insights into our heart while we are busy having a blast.
Sometimes, FOMO is a virtue. Be there!"

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