Meaningful browsing

The delightful tradition of browsing an inspiring bookstore with tea and coffee close to hand lives on in Kadampa centers around the world.

Many centers have established modern bookstores, often with adjacent cafes, where we can find all of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche's books in many formats and many languages. Here we can read printed books and ebooks and listen to audio books in a peaceful setting.

And we can browse through an extensive collection of printed and audio prayers and sadhanas.

And you will find much more besides, especially if you are looking for meaningful gifts. Why not treat your friends to some meaningful browsing?

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Learn more about Kadampa World Peace Cafes:

NKT - KMC MONTPELLIER - 2025 IMG-20250210-WA0007

Forty Years of Buddha Amitayus Retreat


Visiting Teachers in Teachers in Paris, Metz and Manchester

KMC LONDON - Vajrayogini Retreat --10

Retreats at KMC London

NKT - KMC SPAIN - 2025 Public talk KMC Spain_02-02-2025_16

Public talks in the North and South of Spain