Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
Earlier this month, Gen Kelsang Tonpa granted the blessing empowerment of Medicine Buddha to a fortunate group of students at KMC Paris both in-person and online.
Read some inspiring testimonials below.
After doing all of the preparations: making the tormas, the guided meditation with Sophie, and the preparations and teaching with Gen Kelsang Tonpa – when the moment of the empowerment finally arrives, something totally different happens, like it is coming from elsewhere... in this luminous place, with all of the Buddhas.
This was a real reunion with these Buddha-doctors, who have blessed this year with a healing direction. I felt in the presence of the Buddhas, first in front of me, then above my head. This transmission was precious as the feeling stayed with me for several days. Thank you to Gen Kelsang Tonpa and the entire team for making this possible while I was isolated at home. ❤️
I attended the Medicine Buddha empowerment and I felt peaceful and healed from within. It has enabled me to identify within myself my potential for peace!