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15 December 2021

Gen-la Thubten visits centers in France

After the French National Festival at KMC France in Le Mans, Gen-la Thubten visited three other centers in France.

Emptiness in Paris

First he travelled to Paris, where he gave a public talk on emptiness to almost 200 people, many of them online. It was an evening of much joy and laughter.

Relying on a Spiritual Guide in Montpellier

The next day Gen-la travelled to the beautiful (and much warmer) city of Montpellier in the south of France, where he officially opened KMC Vajrassattva and gave a public talk on relying on a Spiritual Guide to a capacity audience.

Modern day Kadampa practitioners in Toulouse

Finally Gen-la visited the charming city of Toulouse, where he opened KMC Vajrvarahi and gave a public talk on being a Kadampa practitioner in the modern world to a packed meditation room - the first teaching in their wonderful new building.

Warmth, Joy & laughter

Quite a few people travelled to multiple events, some to all four. And at every location there was great warmth, much joy - and plenty of laughter!

Group Photo 2024

Intensive Teacher Training Program 2024 drawing to an end


New Statues Appear

ITTP work day

Resident Teachers preparing for the Festival


Preparations are underway, the Festival is very close