Kadampa Art Studio Training Course
Jan 11, 2025
The Québec Dharma Celebration took place last weekend. Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT and National Spiritual Director of Canada, granted the empowerment of Vajrasattva and taught on karma and purification.
The event was hosted by KMC Montreal and attended both in-person and online. Mélodie Paré, Resident Teacher of KMC Québec, gave the introduction and Gen Chögyan, Resident Teacher of KMC Montreal led the meditations.
The night before the Celebration, Gen-la Khyenrab also gave a wonderful Public Talk on the topic: Solving our inner conflicts. Changing our Karma.
"In his teachings, Gen-la Khyenrab reminded us of our wish to purify our negativities. ‘What is negativity? Some energy we have created. It has no shape, no color, no characteristics. But it has power. It exists only by the power of our mind.’
"He reminded us that if we believe in karma we will apply effort to practice moral discipline and purification. Then, through various stories of past practitioners, we contemplated the general characteristics of karma.
"Gen-la explained the law of cause and effect with both clarity and humour. He offered a profound commentary of the sadhana Meditation and recitation of Solitary Vajrasattva, and a detailed explanation of the four powers of purification and how to practice them.
"A wonderful celebration offering the opportunity for the community of the province of Québec to gather and enjoy the powerful transmissions of their National Spiritual Director.
"Thank you Gen-la, Thank you Venerable Geshe-la."