
Day 12 ~ discovering vajrayogini

empowering teachings

Yesterday, Gen-la Jampa began a series of six teachings as brief commentaries to the practices of Heruka and Vajrayogini.

The teachings on the practice of Vajrayogini yesterday felt like another empowerment! Faithfully following the teachings of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, Gen-la's instructions were extraordinarily clear and profound. Step by step he led us to an understanding of the practice that made it seem so accessible and so easy to integrate into our daily life. The explanation of clear light and the yoga of sleeping were especially illuminating and empowering.

And in the mornings, we enjoy guided meditations with Kadam Bridget in conjunction with the Quick Path to Great Bliss sadhana,

Much more to look forward to today!

festival podcast

The realisation of clear light

Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
The realisation of clear light

How to enjoy pure bliss

coming up

There are still two more days of teachings before we begin the retreat. Today, Gen-la concludes the commentary to the practice of Venerable Vajrayogini and begins a brief commentary to the practice of Heruka.


teaching excerpt

you should not seek buddhahood elsewhere

feature video

the art of making offerings

center video

KMC san francisco

international community

the international kadampa family online

If you would like to contribute a video story, photo story, snapshot or insight, please email to [email protected]

photo stories

Mike, USA


The Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments were so joyful and inspiring. My first HYT empowerment was in 2011, and it was so wonderful to reflect on how the impact a decade of blessings, faith, and HYT practice had completely shifted my appearances.

I felt so moved by the kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for making these teachings so clear and accessible.

María Fernanda, Mexico


For me, this is a Festival of huge gratitude.

Due to health issues, I couldn't attend the Festival with the sangha from my center. But this has given me the opportunity to see the love, the kindness of each one of them. They are like Dakas and Dakinis taking care of me.

No matter what obstacles arise, with the blessings of our Guru and keeping Heruka and Vajrayoguini at our heart we will receive their protection from all adversity. <3

Thank you so much.

Alex (left), USA


This Summer Festival has been so joyful! As part of the KMC Colorado sangha we’ve had the opportunity to travel together from Denver to IKRC for 2nd week of Festival.

We’ve had such a great time, laughing, sharing our experiences of Highest Yoga Tantra practice and enjoying the stunning Arizona temple.

Festivals are always a reminder to appreciate our beautiful sangha community, experience true joy, and deepen our practice.

video stories

kadampas at the montserrat hub share their festival experience

Tomas, Lucrecia & Sant

Cami & Nico


kadampas at IKRC Grand Canyon share their festival experience

rob, arizona

Ben, florida



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Hello from the Mothership, some inspiration from this Festival.

So much joyful effort gone into making this Festival work so well for over 6000 people. Speaking from behind the scenes, I can see the dedication, expertise and attention to detail by sincere practitioners that has made this Festival run so smoothly.

With the help of the Dharma protector, Guru, Buddha to remove obstacles, facilitate and bless our minds to be able to make this happen. Thank you Geshe-la and thank you to all the people throughout the world who have made this happen.

Its been a real Team effort and I’ve noticed the more we worked together and cherished each other, the smoother it went ☺

While here at Manjushri KMC, its been inspiring to see and talk to the wonderful Teachers, leading by example, studying, practising, helping and discussing pure dharma subjects. Deeply humbled by their presence.

All the Volunteers here helping have got so much benefit, some of them have never even been to an empowerment never mind to say a HYT empowerment and somehow through their amazing karma they found themselves within the small number here at the Temple.

Even those Volunteers who have not been able to attend the empowerment have said their meditations were very good this week ☺

Wonderful to see people watching from countries that have no centre. Maybe even one person watching from that country, amazing!

Thanks to Gen-la Dekyong, Gen-la Jampa for their faith, may we become inspirations to everyone just like them.
When our mind is pure, its very easy, all we need to do is purify our mind, then these teachings will always be easy.



In our Tantric practice we invite Guru Vajrayogini to come into our presence but today I felt something different. It seemed I was the special guest and that Venerable Geshe la had rolled out the red carpet just for me! I am sure I wasn’t the only one who felt like that. It always feels as if Geshe la is speaking directly and personally to each of us, even if the words came through dear Gen-la Jampa. Just like Buddha’s speech on Massed Vultures Mountain.

I learned how Venerable Geshe la has tailor-made a range of Vajrayogini sadhanas to accommodate the demands of our busy modern lives. There is a practice for everyone. I learned that with admiring faith in these beautiful prayers our understanding will naturally grow and results will come. We can be comfortable and confident.

Then I discovered how to integrate these instructions into our own daily lives. We can keep doing what we have to do – eat, wake, sleep, live – but all with a special recognition that speeds our spiritual growth.

Finally, came the reassurance that we are not starting our tantric journey from scratch. Because of the sublime union of Sutra and Tantra in our tradition, we have already got foundations in our Lamrim practice. We are already part way there.

It feels like everything has already been arranged for our success. And when through our own unbelievable good fortune we have found ourselves at the centre of such loving and compassionate attention there is only one thing we have to do. That is to repay that kindness by trying our very best to be good tantric practitioners.


New year. 2025

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2

NKT - MANJUSHRI KMC - 2025 2025-01 New year (KM)-30

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings


Purifying with Buddha Vajrasattva ~ A Perfect Way to End the Year


Year-End Course At KMC New York: Concluding The Year With Loving Kindness