Bonus Bulletin – 29 January
Jan 29, 2025
Yesterday Gen-la completed a brief, essential commentary to Vajrayogini and began an equally powerful and inspiring commentary to the practice of Heruka body mandala based on the sadhana The Yoga of Buddha Heruka.
The day concluded with a powerful worldwide Offering to the Spiritual Guide puja, with a special dedication to the long life of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.
Gen-la will conclude the Heruka commentary and his teachings in the second session today.
As with all the other sessions, these inspiring and empowering teachings have been rebroadcast around the world from the various Festival Hubs in different time zones. Below we feature a brief selection of the many photo galleries that have been submitted by the Hubs and other centers holding Festival gatherings. More to come.
Without the Guru there is no enlightenment
The evening session of the day today will mark the beginning of the Week 2 retreat with Gen Rabten. More on this soon.
If you would like to contribute a video story, photo story, snapshot or insight, please email to [email protected]