Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
Welcome to the Summer Festival Online 2021!
And what an extraordinary gathering it promises to be!
Through the great kindness of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, the Founder of these Festivals, for the very first time the Summer Festival will be hosted and broadcast from multiple locations around the world simultaneously. The live sessions will be held in the World Peace Temple at Manjushri Kadampa Meditation Centre, with simultaneous translations being provided from many European countries.
Then, following the time zones around the world, the Festival will be re-broadcast in most cases with additional live translation. There is no one who is excluded from participating in this truly auspicious event.
The festival begins this evening at 7:30pm UK time when Gen Kelsang Thekchen will give the introduction.
For a glimpse of what lies in store during the next two weeks, please take a few minutes to watch the inspiring video and listen to the remarkable podcast by Gen Rabten below.
Introducing the 2021 Summer Festival
Getting the most from the Festival
The main Festival page is accessible only by those who have registered for the Festival.
It is refreshed daily with brand new content and is designed to give you a comprehensive feeling of taking part in an international event, interacting with a global family of like-minded people. Thousands of people worldwide will join you virtually on this page.
If you have registered, you will have received an email with links to access the teaching and meditation sessions. The catch-up sessions, where you can view again all sessions except empowerments, will appear on the Festival page. The links will become active as and when the files become available, approximately 48 hours after the original session finishes.
Have a wonderful Festival!
If you would like to contribute a video story, photo story, snapshot or insight, please email to [email protected]
This will be the third time for me to receive this precious Dorje Shugden’s empowerment, in less than 3 years! I am very enthusiastic to feel that he is protecting us, and I wish for all of us to receive a rain of blessings.
I am looking forward to enjoying this spiritual holiday together with sanghas around the world.
I am really happy that I am able to attend the festival this year and receive teachings from such special, senior teachers. I pray that through receiving the blessings of Dorje Shugden he will protect me and show me the way on my spiritual path so that I can also attain enlightenment one day. I am also really looking forward to deepening my connection with Heruka and Vajrayogini! May I one day attain their realisations and enjoy the profound Union!
El día mas esperado! Estamos esperando con muchísima ilusión a poder conectarnos al mandala internacional de dakas y dakinis! Gratitud a Gueshela y al trabajo de todos quienes lo hacen posible, que siempre permanezcamos bajo su cuidado 💙💙💙
Yo hago el festival para recibir bendiciones de los seres sagrados y preciosas enseñanzas✨
I am so looking forward to Summer Festival starting. I am thankful for all the gifts that continually come from Geshe-la
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Our meaningful holiday is here: two blissful weeks just to let pure Kadam Dharma enter and abide in our hearts.
We can connect or re-connect with the very essence of our tradition, that unique union of sutra and tantra handed down to us by our spiritual father, Venerable Geshe-la. This is what binds our international family together. We have something very special that transcends our differences in language or culture, in age or gender or race - even time zones!
Our Summer Festival is always the beginning of the life that follows. And what a way to start - with a fresh mind protected by Dorje Shugden, empowered by Buddha Heruka and Vajrayogini and strengthened by wisdom and compassion. With our Guru in our heart all we have to do is walk from one piece of dharma ground to the next. We can step forward with confidence. We can hit the ground running. Make our own future the best thing we could possibly have.
Let’s see if we can make this Festival the one when we really went for it, when we can look back and say: 2021, that’s the one that changed everything for me. For the better. For the best.
There are so many firsts associated with this Festival but two that stick out the most are:
And we might be tempted to think that all this is possible thanks to the wonders of modern technology.
But this would be to miss the point.
In truth all this is possible only because of the inconceivable kindness of the holy being, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.
For the first time in this world Buddhadharma is being made available equally and without discrimination to everyone in the world because for the first time a holy being has appeared who is capable of accomplishing this.
The empowerments, teachings and all the physical and digital infrastructure we are benefiting from emanate from his compassionate heart.
He wishes for this single-pointedly every single day, and has done from the beginning.
Now we fortunate modern Kadampa disciples are able to witness directly the breadth of his vision and the power of his wishes.
History is being made with this Festival - and we are part of it!
Here you can purchase high quality Dharma items and gift items as well as all your Tharpa items. Your purchases will be securely packed and promptly shipped to any country in the world.