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22 June 2021

Arya Tara appears in Argentina

Argentinian Dharma Celebration 2021

Gen Kelsang Rinchung, National Spiritual Director of Argentina, Peru & Uruguay and Resident Teacher at KMC Argentina, gave the empowerment of Arya Tara and teachings at the 2021 Argentina Dharma Celebration, hosted by KMC Argentina. Here is the reaction of the students:

"And finally the long-awaited moment arrived, we received the Arya Tara empowerment!

"Here we share some moments when, our beloved Teacher, Guen Kelsang Rinchung gave us the special blessings of Arya Tara -  She was beautiful! ✨

"We share some photos from the empowerment and the shrine, and some sent to us from all parts of Argentina and Uruguay of people enjoying the celebration.

"Thank you Guen Rinchung for such a precious time with you. And especially thank you Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for bringing your precious Dharma to our country,"


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