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27 November 2020

where are they now?

Earlier this year a group of fortunate Kadampa students joined Gen-la Khyenrab at Manjushri KMC to train for six months on the Intensive Teacher Training Program . We caught up with a few of them who are now teaching at centers around the world as Resident Teachers or auxiliary Teachers.

Tiphaine, Kadampa Meditation Center Boston (United States)

Kelsang Tara, Kadampa Meditation Centre Auckland (New Zealand)

Raul, Centro Budista Kadampa Avalokiteshvara (Mexico)

Natalia, Meditación en Colombia (Colombia)

Matthew, Tara IKRC (United Kingdom)

Kelsang Rabka, Kadampa Meditation Center Singapore (Singapore) - VIDEO

Kelsang Sangye, Centre de Méditation Kadampa Vajravarahi Toulouse (France) - VIDEO

Salome, Kadampa Meditationszentrum Dresden (Germany)

Diana, Meditate in Tasmania (Tasmania) - VIDEO

Kelsang Malaya, Drolma KBC (Peterborough, United Kingdom) - VIDEO

Mélodie, Centre Bouddhiste Kadampa Shamata Québec (Canada)

Kelsang Khacho, Akshobya KBC Calgary (Canada)

Kelsang Chochin, Centro de Meditação Kadampa Brasil (Brazil) - VIDEO

Kelsang Loten, Centro de Meditação Kadampa Campinas (Brazil)

Alma, Vajrasattva KBC Dumfries and Galloway (Scotland) - VIDEO

Fabiana, Centro Budista Kadampa de Taubaté (Brazil) - VIDEO

Kelsang Nyima, Kadampa Meditationscenter Stockholm (Sweden) - VIDEO

Angel, Meditar en Hermosillo (Mexico) - VIDEO


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