Kadampa Art Studio Training Course
Jan 11, 2025
Three Dharma Celebrations are scheduled in the US in the next two weeks. And Tharpa US have launched a new online Dharma Celebration shop.
On a beautiful late summer’s day, the Temple at Manjushri KMC once again opened its doors for an in-person course, welcoming visitors from all directions.
Gen-la Khyenrab has now returned to Canada and will begin an exciting program of classes at KMC Canada in the coming days. And most of the ITTP students have now departed Manjushri KMC to take up their new responsibilities around the world. As he left, one of the students, Jorge, who was headed for Chile, shared this beautiful photographic diary of his six months at the mother centre.
Heartfelt thanks from the students of KMC Hong Kong to Gen Tonglam for guiding the post Summer Festival retreat on Advice from Atisha’s Heart.
Great news from Tharpa Germany. The first German edition of Essence of Vajrayana is now available! It is the first time this blessed book by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche on the practice of the Heruka body mandala has appeared in German.
This is very auspicious for the practice of Heruka Tantra in this country.
Wonderful retreat with Gen Ananda and Kadam Morten at Tharpaland KMC based on Eight Verses of Training the Mind by Bodhisattva Langri Tangpa
Following the wonderful International Summer Festival, Gen Kelsang Devi led a retreat emphasising Eight Verses of Training the Mind composed by Geshe Langri Tangpa. People joined the live stream from Hong Kong, Germany, Denmark, Australia, Switzerland and the UK. And some were also able to attend the retreat physically.
KMC Barcelona recently hosted an online post-Summer Festival retreat from their retreat center in Montserrat, guided by Gen-la Kunsang from KMC Edinburgh
The 2020 Spanish National Festival with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab will be presented online. Gen- la Kelsang Khyenrab is a retired General Spiritual Director and now NSD of NKT-IKBU in Canada and Resident Teacher at KMC Canada. He will grant Buddha Maitreya Empowerment and teach on the Power of Love.
In this National Online Festival, Gen-la Kelsang Thubten will grant the blessing empowerment of Dorje Shugden and give teachings on how to rely on this precious Dharma Protector based on the book Heart Jewel by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche.