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26 October 2019

much to celebrate

Every year at a national level NKT organises National Festivals and Dharma Celebrations in various countries. The Festivals are usually taught by Gen-las  and the Celebrations by the National Spiritual Director for that country.

Here are three Dharma Celebrations scheduled for the coming week:


Portugal Dharma Celebration 
October 31 - November 3

Swift Protection from Suffering
Teachings and empowerment of Arya Tara at Templo Budista de Sintra

With Gen Kelsang Chokgya, National Spiritual Director for Spain and Portugal

More information & booking

Irish Dharma Celebration
November 1 - 3

Inner Freedom of Letting Go
Teachings and Tara empowerment at Lorne House & Estate

With Kadam Bridget Heyes, National Spiritual Director for the UK and Ireland

More information & booking


Nordic Dharma Celebration
November 1 - 3

Developing Inner Strength
Teachings on guarding the mind and Vajrapani empowerment at KMC Oslo

With Gen Kelsang Dragpa, National Spiritual Director of the Nordic Region

More information & booking

Group Photo 2024

Intensive Teacher Training Program 2024 drawing to an end


New Statues Appear

ITTP work day

Resident Teachers preparing for the Festival


Preparations are underway, the Festival is very close