Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
This weekend, fortunate practitioners from New Zealand gathered in Aukland for the 2019 New Zealand Dharma Celebration with Gen Kelsang Rabten, the National Spiritual Director.
Here is their feedback:
'NZ Dharma Celebration 2019 in Auckland brought our Kadampa family together from around NZ (with a few overseas guests). It took place in the heart of Auckland city, where we all received teachings and the special blessing empowerment of Wisdom Buddha Manjushri.'
'I learned that leaving samsara doesn’t mean we have to go somewhere else, all we need to do is change our mind.'
'It was delightful to spend a weekend with spiritual friends from around NZ, and to receive teachings from Gen Rabten unlocking the meaning to this sublime practice.'
'Anything that is created first relies on imagination. We cannot become enlightened unless we imagine being enlightened first.'