Radiating Wisdom Blessings Worldwide
Mar 5, 2025
This weekend, Nordic Kadampa Meditation Centre in Oslo was humming with joy and expectation as people from all over the Nordic region once again welcomed Gen-la Dekyong to the center.
Gen-la visited for the Nordic Kadampa Festival at which she granted the empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni and gave teachings on Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s book How to Transform Your Life.
The union of Kadam Dharma and daily life
Gen-la talked at length about the union of Kadam Dharma and daily life. If we want to practice something we find a way to integrate it into our daily life. For example if we love singing we don't have to think much about how we can integrate it into our life. We do it effortlessly because we love singing. We can do the same with Dharma.
Gen-la reminded us that the simple act of downloading How to Transform Your Life as a free e-book will change our life forever.
She taught that the real way to transform our life is by becoming a good natured person with a good heart. We do this by stopping our uncontrolled desire, wishing for ourself to be happy all the time, and instead wishing for others to be happy all the time.
Gen-la also gave commentary to Liberating Prayer and Prayers for Meditation. We listened to the Liberating Prayer in Norwegian in every session and received strong encouragement to continue translating Venerable Geshe-la's precious texts into all the Nordic languages.
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What people said
‘I have learnt the importance of integrating Dharma with daily life rather than separating Dharma from daily life.’
Gordana - Stockholm
‘I have gained the realization that the pursuit of my own happiness is the source of all my own problems.’
Filip - Malmö
‘It was very helpful to be reminded that I am not the center of the universe.’
Vilda - Oslo
‘Listening to the prayers and mantras has tamed my ego.’
Cornelius - Oslo