There is nothing more precious to us than our life.

Because we have a precious human life, we have the opportunity to experience both temporary and ultimate happiness.

We usually regard material possessions as very important and put much effort into acquiring them, but in reality, our human life is our most precious possession.

The greatest obstacles to the fulfilment of our wish to experience pure happiness are death and ignorance. Death destroys our opportunity to take the essence of our precious human life, and ignorance destroys our opportunity to develop a pure experience of Dharma.

To overcome these obstacles, we need to increase our lifespan and our wisdom, and the principal method for doing this is the Yoga of Buddha Amitayus, which is also a special method for increasing the positive power of our mind, or merit.

During February, many Kadampa centers arrange short retreats on Buddha Amitayus.

With an Amitayus retreat taking place this weekend at the mother center, Manjushri KMC, we take the opportunity to share some photos from various centers around the world.

'To give people the opportunity to practise the Yoga of Buddha Amitayus, I have prepared this sadhana. May the merit of this work be a cause for all living beings to find pure peace and happiness.'
Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche

IKRC Grand Canyon USA

Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight


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January at Manjushri KMC

NKT - KMC AUSTRIA - 2025 IMG_1017

Powerful retreats in the snows