Shining Open Days in Malaga

As they do every year after the Summer Festival, the Kadampa Temple for World Peace and the urban center in Malaga opened their doors for open days. These are special days when everyone can try Kadampa meditation and understand the function of Kadampa centers in the world.

The blessings of Arya Tara pervading our world

Recently the blessing empowerment of Arya Tara was given at centers in different parts of the world. It is wonderful to think that Buddha Tara’s blessings are reaching people everywhere, transforming the minds of living beings.

Beneficial Public Talks around the world

This month, some centers have organized inspiring public talks, allowing others to connect with wonderful Dharma teachings. KMC Barcelona, Sukhavati KBC in Querétaro and Mahamudra KBC in Uruguay are featured here.

Marking New Beginnings: A Double Celebration in the UK

Two wonderful occasions to celebrate! Two centers hosted their official openings: Ganden Ling KMC in Cornwall, and KMC Nottingham, with its new building at Gedling House along with its 30th anniversary celebration.

Vibrant weekend courses in the US

Over the weekend, there was a variety of vibrant courses held by Kadampa centres throughout the US. The courses taught wisdom and love giving people peace of mind and energy to live a meaningful life.

Bonus Bulletin – 8 September

Read about some other recent activities organized by Kadampa Centers around the world.
Here: KMC Durban, Tara KBC (Antofagasta, Chile), KMC Colombia, Nagarjuna KBC (Buenos Aires), KMC Dresden and Vajravarahi KMC (Preston).

Finding inner peace around the world

Over the past month, centers around the world have been organizing activities with the aim of enabling everyone to achieve true inner peace. Here we showcase KMC Sydney’s half day course, KMC Barcelona’s week-long retreat and KMC Canada’s weekend retreat.

What’s On at IKRC Grand Canyon – August 2024

Basking in sunflowers after the rainy monsoon season, the IKRC Grand Canyon looked this August even more welcoming. The community at the Fifth Temple for World Peace has been engaging in a variety of activities – from retreats and kids’ classes to rooftop refurbishment, community outreach, and new branch classes. There’s so much happening at our beloved Temple!

Weekend of deeper inner peace

In August some Kadampa Centers organized group retreats to allow their students to gain deeper experience of inner peace.
Here Kailash IRC, KMC Argentina, KMC Vancouver and KMC Fraser Valley.