Inspiring Empowerments in France and Malaysia
Jan 13, 2025
From time to time when engaging in spiritual practice, we need special blessings that empower us to overcome our inner and outer obstacles and identify with our potential for enlightenment. As part of the spiritual program, Kadampa Centers around the world hold empowerments which can either open the door to a new spiritual practice or give us this special spiritual boost. Explore photo galleries below for recent events in France and Germany.
The Opening celebration weekend of KMC Colorado’s new city Temple in Denver was an amazing and auspicious event! Over 100 people attended this momentous occasion that was 3 years in the making. Following the weekend Gen-la Jampa visited Fort Collins and gave a public talk which was a sell-out event.
News of empowerments in these three European Kadampa Meditation Centers: KMC Lyon | KMC Wiesbaden | KMC Freiburg
Read about some of the other activities taking place all over the world recently. KMC Durban | KMC Granada | KMC New York City | KMC Cologne | KMC Mallorca
At the beginning of March, we welcomed back our National Spiritual Director, Gen Rabten who did a tour of New Zealand. Almost 300 fortunate people from all over the country attended a total of 4 events.
At KMC Mexico Gen Sangden granted the Bodhisattva Vows and teachings on the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life in a course entitled ‘Becoming a Friend of the World’. The event consisted of three teachings followed by the Bodhisattva Vow Ceremony where more than 80 people took the vows in person and many more online.
The stunning new metal Buddha Shakyamuni statue created at the Kadampa Art Studio first appeared at the International NKT-IKBU Summer Festival 2023.. Following the Festival Madhyamaka KMC received the news that the center would be the statue’s home. As a prototype statue for Kadampa Buddhist Centers worldwide, it seemed appropriate that this precious statue would be coming to Madhyamaka KMC, the first Kadampa Center opened by Venerable Geshe-la, back in 1986.
Every week Kadampa Centers all over the world offer a variety of courses on many different aspects of Buddha’s teachings. Two beautiful recent courses were at KMC Canada in Toronto and at KMC Barcelona.
This month blessing empowerments were given in Florida, Malaysia and Germany. In our world where so much of the news is of conflict and suffering, it’s uplifting to remember that these events are happening all around the world throughout the year taking thousands of people closer to permanent peace and freedom from all suffering.
To celebrate their 15th anniversary, KMC Monterrey organized a weekend of special events with visiting National Spiritual Director, Gen Kelsang Sangden – a public talk, a retreat, and a video presentation, party and puja.