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19 March 2024

Special Blessings in Lyon, Wiesbaden & Freiburg

See below for news of empowerments in these three European Kadampa Meditation Centers.
KMC Lyon | KMC Wiesbaden | KMC Freiburg



We had a great turn out with forty people attending a Green Tara empowerment with Resident Teacher, Marlise Anthonioz at KMC Lyon. During this very special event we deepened our connection with Green Tara. We learned about who Tara is and how she can help us - protecting us from dangers and obstacles, freeing us from our temporary fears, and helping us with our spiritual practice so that we can be permanently free. We also received a commentary on the meaning of the prayer booklet Liberation from Sorrow and practical advice on how to rely on Tara in everyday life. Many thanks to Venerable Geshe-la and to everyone who participated in this wonderful event.


KMC Wiesbaden

On March 2nd Gen Shenyen granted the empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa at KMC Wiesbaden, Germany. Over 30 people had the opportunity to receive the blessings of Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka. We very much enjoyed the company of our fellow Sangha on this special day.


KMC Freiburg

KMC Freiburg held a Vajrasattva empowerment this month - a wonderful opportunity to receive the blessings of Vajrasattva and precious teachings on purification practice from Gen Lochog. The following day we spent precious time engaging in this powerful practice, relaxing together with Sangha, and finishing off the weekend with a beautiful Offering to the Spiritual Guide puja. Heartfelt thanks to Venerable Geshe-la. Through engaging in this practice may we quickly become Guru Vajrasattva for the benefit of all suffering living beings!

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