Why aren’t we happy all the time?

We never learned how to fulfil our deepest wish for lasting happiness. Geshe-la says that he never denies modern life, but if we ignore ancient wisdom we are making a big mistake. We have a feeling that the method we are choosing to make us happy, like technology, is not working. Why? Because we are intelligent, through concentrating on external development and technological advancement in our search for happiness, we ignore internal development of virtue, such as compassion, wisdom. Then our technology becomes very powerful but our mind becomes very rough and uncontrolled.

Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
Why aren't we happy all the time?

Flexibility and Mental Strength

Kadam Bridget explains that practising patient acceptance reduces our pain and allows us to let go and feel happier.

The flexibility that comes from mental suppleness

Mental suppleness is a flexibility of mind induced by virtuous concentration.

Training in breathing meditation and beyond

Here Gen Norbu presents meditation as a step by step approach to developing a better state of mind.