The real meaning of cherishing others?

In this podcast Gen-la Jampa teaches how developing the belief ’this person is important their happiness matters’ will change our life for the better. If we believe this it will naturally influence our feelings and behaviour towards others so we will always act with kindness and have good relationships that bring joy. As Buddha says the mind that cherishes others is the best method to make ourself and others happy. This podcast is an extract from a talk given by Gen-la Jampa at IKRC Grand Canyon. It is based on the book How to Transform Your Life by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso.

Living Clarity
Living Clarity
The real meaning of cherishing others?

Flexibility and Mental Strength

Kadam Bridget explains that practising patient acceptance reduces our pain and allows us to let go and feel happier.

The flexibility that comes from mental suppleness

Mental suppleness is a flexibility of mind induced by virtuous concentration.

Training in breathing meditation and beyond

Here Gen Norbu presents meditation as a step by step approach to developing a better state of mind.