How to Destroy the Cycle of Suffering

Don’t miss this precious opportunity to receive the blessings of Buddha Shakyamuni and the lineage blessing of his precious teaching on the Wheel of Life directly from Gen-la Kelsang Dekyong, Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU.

Gen-la Jampa back in the USA

No sooner had Gen-la Jampa returned to the USA from leading the retreat at Manjushri KMC, than he began a tour of centers in the eastern US before returning to IKRC Grand Canyon, where he is the Resident Teacher. Here we feature his visits to KMC Georgia and KMC Chicago.

New Year Retreats Come to a Close

As the Heruka and Vajrayogini retreats at centers around the world draw to a close, various special concluding activities are taking place. Here we feature the Vajrayogini burning offering at Manjushri KMC

Dharma in the heart of Scotland

On a very wet and windy weekend, 130 people braved the storm to travel to Stirling in the heart of Scotland to take refuge in a nourishing weekend of blessings, inspirational teachings and joyful Sangha at the 2020 Scottish Dharma Celebration

Meditating in Medellin

Based on their success in establishing a wonderful Kadampa center and community in Bogotá, KMC Colombia are now exploring Medellin in the north-west of Colombia to establish a branch there. Join them on their adventure.

Full house in Edinburgh for Kadam Bridget

On her way to teach at the Scottish Dharma Celebration this weekend, Kadam Bridget visited KMC Edinburgh to give a public talk entitled Overcoming Anxiety with Meditation.

Infinite life – the blessings of Buddha Amitayus

During February, many Kadampa centres organise pujas, retreats, teachings and empowerments of Buddha Amitayus. In this post we feature photos from some of these events in Mexico City, Monterrey, Chicago and Madrid.

A modern Kadampa Buddhist center in the heart of the city

KMC Southampton is a wonderful example of a modern Kadampa Buddhist Temple in the heart of a city that demonstrates the power of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche’s compassionate vision to bring pure Kadam Dharma directly to people where they live and work.

Meeting the Great Mother in Seville

KMC Mahamudra in Seville hosted a magical weekend with their Teacher Gen Kelsang Rabjor attended by people from all over Spain

Conquering hate with love in Dresden

This weekend KMC Dresden invited Gen Kelsang Ananda, National Spiritual Director of Germany and Resident Teacher at Tharpaland KMC and KMC Berlin, to give a public talk entitled How to Conquer Hate with Love. It was a sell-out.


Ordination Fall Festival 2024

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Working in harmony for the International Fall Festival

Geshe-la Praying in Portugal 2013 resize-web

Register for Prayers for World Peace

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Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia