Living without stress in Carlisle

Gen-la Kelsang Thubten taught packed course in Carlisle how to overcome stress using meditation . . .

A tireless Teacher

After the opening ceremony on Friday, and the day course and Heruka Day puja on Saturday, on Sunday she gave a public talk in Stockholm entitled Meditation for everyone.

Celebrating Guru Heruka ~ part 2

Enjoy the beautiful Offering to the Spiritual Guide puja at Manjushri KMC on Heruka Day with Gen-la Jampa

Celebrating Guru Heruka ~ part 1

This weekend, Kadampa centers around the world celebrated Guru Heruka with special events, retreats, courses and pujas. We will feature these over the next few days, beginning with the auspicius weekend in Stockholm with Gen-la Dekyong

Gen-la Khyenrab in Brisbane

As the last leg of his tour of Australasia, yesterday Gen-la Khyenrab, Retired Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU,  visited the beautiful center at KMC Brisbane to give a public talk:

Another milestone at KMC Chile

KMC Chile has just started the first ever Vajrayogini close retreat in Chile. Share the joy!

Choosing happiness in Sydney

The Choose Happiness Public Talk at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music yesterday drew smiles from a crowd of almost 380 people who came to hear Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, Retired General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and National Spiritual Director of Canada.


Ordination Fall Festival 2024

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Working in harmony for the International Fall Festival

Geshe-la Praying in Portugal 2013 resize-web

Register for Prayers for World Peace

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Practical and Blessed Events in UK and Asia