Intensive Teacher Training Program Begins at Manjushri KMC

Last night, Manjushri KMC welcomed 35 Kadampas from 15 different countries to begin a six-month Intensive Teacher Training Program with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. The purpose of the program is to train the participants to become Resident Teachers at Kadampa centers.

The actual program began this morning with the formal classes. Watch this space for more as the program unfolds.


Teaching Skills booklet reprinted


Composed by Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, this precious booklet gives powerful and practical guidance for those aspiring to benefit others by training as a qualified Teacher.

Designed to accompany the Intensive Teacher Training Programme, it explains the importance of qualified Buddhist Teachers, gives an overview of the program, and includes priceless advice on commitments Teachers should undertake.

It also shows how those aspiring to benefit others through their teaching and example should train and behave  in their daily lives.

The newly reprinted edition is available from Tharpa Publications.


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