Thousand arms of compassion in South Africa

Gen-la Kelsang Kunsang, retired Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU and Resident Teacher at KMC Edinburgh recently presided over the South African National Festival online, which was streamed from KMC Edinburgh.

A relatable teacher who loves meditation

Gen-la Kunsang, retired Deputy Spiritual Director and Resident Teacher at KMC Edinburgh, is in Cape Town in readiness for the South African National Festival this coming weekend.

The wisdom light of Manjushri shines on South Africa

As we have seen in previous posts, Kadam Dharma is touching the hearts of many people in South Africa through the work of the Kadampa centers in Cape Town, Durban and Johannesburg.

Meditation in a South African school

Tushita KMC in Cape Town has been giving meditation classes at COSAT High School in Khayelitsha since 2013, and some of the students also attend classes at the centre.

Enjoy this video of the Resident Teacher Gen Kelsang Pagpa guiding the children.

The first Kadampa temple in Africa

Created through the kindness and vision of Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, Tushita KMC in Cape Town is the first Kadampa temple in Africa. The building was purchased by NKT-IKBU in March 2017, and after a year-long renovation project was opened in May 2018 by Gen-la Jampa, the deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU. Besides the … Read more

Group Photo 2024

Intensive Teacher Training Program 2024 drawing to an end


New Statues Appear

ITTP work day

Resident Teachers preparing for the Festival


Preparations are underway, the Festival is very close