
NKT-IKBU International

Summer Festival 2024

Festival Diaries

A joyful Life

Vajrayogini Face 2021-06-08 Final_AI-Widened-Not-for General-Use

The joy of Festival has many faces. There is a joy that comes from mixing our minds with Dharma teachings and feeling peaceful; the joy of feeling safe and accepted, surrounded by people all trying to practice the teachings with a good intention; the joy of working together and cherishing others. There is also the special joy of rejoicing - in the Teachers, the teachings and the beautiful examples of other dedicated practitioners - and the joy in observing moments of kindness. There is an overriding sense of hopefulness at Kadampa Festivals - we feel joyful because we are more in touch with our potential and what is possible spiritually for ourselves and others.

Day 9 ~ The blissful path

It's the first day of week 2 of the Summer Festival and everyone is looking forward to receiving teachings from our Deputy Spiritual Director, Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, as we continue to revisit Venerable Geshe-la's teachings that he gave in Portugal in 2013.

The day begins perfectly with an uplifting meditation on faith with Gen Kelsang Sangden. She reminds us that this Festival is all about dispelling the darkness of our ignorance through the wisdom of our precious Spiritual Guide's instructions.

Gen-la Jampa's teachings this Festival will focus on The Blissful Path and The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability, both practices that are part of Vajrayogini Tantra and the higher perfection of wisdom.

The Blissful Path sadhana appeared from the heart of Venerable Geshe-la as a beautiful, simple and profound practice suitable for busy modern people. Throughout the day, Gen-la Jampa helps us to appreciate our good fortune in having met such a precious Teacher, to have such incredible practices and to have such a unique opportunity.

He reminds us that time goes quickly and it is easy to be distracted, bringing together many teachings from Geshe-la to help us to realize how deadly seemingly innocent distractions can be for our spiritual life. The teachings are clear and powerful and we are looking forward to continuing them tomorrow!

What is Distraction ~ with Gen-la Jampa


Festival Podcast

The wisdom to transform ourself

Gen-la Jampa
Gen-la Jampa
The wisdom to transform ourself

Through understanding that things exist through being imputed by mind we can understand how it is possible to transform ourself from the state of an ordinary being to that of a pure enlightened being.

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WEB- MAIN PICTURE (1920 x 1350 px) (1)

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