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21 August 2024

Bringing the Festival to the Heart

Recently, several Centers around the world concluded their post-Summer Festival retreats. Join us as we view the highlights from these gatherings.

Madhyamaka KMC with gen Kelsang Sangden

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We had a precious, blessed week of retreat with our international Kadampa family at Madhyamaka KMC.

Over 40 fortunate Kadampas gathered to enjoy Gen Sangden's sublime guided meditations on the Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability.

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Thank you, Venerable Geshe-la, for the transmission of these precious instructions and the special opportunity to gain some experience of them surrounded by Sangha friends and in the peaceful environment of Madhyamaka KMC.

beautiful offering table

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NKT - Madhyamaka KMC- 2024 tsog group

KMC Hong Kong with gen kelsang Rabka

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A heartfelt thank you to Gen Rabka for guiding the post-Summer Festival retreat on The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability at KMC Hong Kong, in particular for giving us very clear instructions and practical advice on the meditations so that we have the confidence to do this practice by ourselves.

Also thank you to Kelsang Dachog, Wallace, Yasmin and Josie for doing the Cantonese translation and all our kind volunteers for making the event making the event a great success.

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kmc Albacete with Gen Kelsang Tsongmo

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At KMC Albacete, we enjoyed a special weekend with Gen Kelsang Tsongmo, Resident Teacher of KMC Madrid.

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The weekend began on Friday, August 16th with a public talk called Solve your Problems with Wisdom. On Saturday, in a retreat on the Heart Sutra, we retreated into our peaceful minds and connected with the perfection of wisdom teachings to experience the true nature of reality.

Our very blessed post-Summer Festival retreat finished on Sunday.

Thank you to Gen Kelsang Tsongmo for her inspiring teachings and guided meditations. Thanks also to everyone who attended the weekend, both from this beautiful city and from Alicante and Valencia, sharing with us the meaningful meditations through which we will create a peaceful world for all.

Thank you Geshe-la for your great kindness!

NAGARJUNA KMC with Gen Kelsang Zoma

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Gen Zoma led a four-day retreat with Blissful Path and The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability at Nagarjuna KMC.

She succinctly recapped some of the many gems of wisdom transmitted over the two-week Summer Festival. Gen Zoma skilfully guided us through The Uncommon Yoga of Inconceivability. She gave us confidence in this practice, and ensured we returned home fully equipped and inspired to make this sadhana a regular practice.

Retreaters used their meditation break to discuss and contemplate in the beautiful grounds of Thornby Hall.

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Bringing the Festival to the Heart (Part 3)

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Bringing the Festival to the Heart in Spain


Abiding in the Pure Land of Compassion 〜 Dharma Festival Coming up


Cherishing shrines in Canada, Spain, France and the UK