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22 August 2024

Swiss, Italian & Austrian Dharma Festival 2024

A special weekend is coming up for Switzerland, Italy, and Austria. Anyone interested in learning about Buddha  Avalokiteshvara, increasing their compassion, or simply enjoying a peaceful and spiritual holiday in a magical location is invited to attend the Dharma Festival at Kailash IRC.

Abiding in the Pure Land of Compassion ~ 6 – 9 September, 2024

The Dharma Festival for the three countries, Switzerland, Italy and Austria, offers the special opportunity to receive the blessing empowerment of Arya Avalokiteshvara, the Buddha of compassion. An empowerment is a special guided meditation through which we receive powerful inspiration.

Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab will explain how to develop authentic love and compassion, the method to make our mind pure and happy, and how to use this good heart for effective Powa practice. Powa is a meditation practice that benefits all those who have died.

The Festival is now available via live-stream. The event will be translated live and streamed in German, French and Italian.

The venue
Kailash International Retreat Center is the venue for the Dharma Festival. Kailash International Retreat Centre is a special place of peace and refuge set within the tranquil historic village of Törbel, Switzerland. Kailash offers a variety of meditation retreats and courses suitable for everyone. The retreat center’s large main building and beautiful modern Kadampa Temple overlook the Matter and Saas valleys, enjoying breathtaking panoramic views of the Swiss Alps.

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Bringing the Festival to the Heart (Part 3)

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Bringing the Festival to the Heart in Spain

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Bringing the Festival to the Heart (Part 1)


Cherishing shrines in Canada, Spain, France and the UK