Auspicious beginnings to the year
Jan 18, 2025
Spring Festival time is here! For each NKT-IKBU International Festival, Tharpa opens a Festival Shop both online and at the Festival venue. The Shop offers a special opportunity to buy all Festival-related Tharpa products, such as books, art and sadhanas, as well as new and updated products.
This Festival emphasizes the practice of the Dharma Protector Dorje Shugden and the Extensive Protector Puja, Melodious Drum. You can find all the books and prayers that may be referred to during the Festival. All available in print or as ebooks.
There are also some beautiful new products which will be available to buy.
Over the next few days the International Tharpa shop is being built at Manjushri KMC. It will have books, prayers, audio and art in English and many other languages.
Visit us at Spring Festival!