Special blessing ceremonies around the world

In recent weeks many people had the opportunity to receive Buddha's special blessings in KMC Brazil  KMC Colombia  KBC Samudra (Switzerland) KMC Córdoba (Argentina) and KBC Dromtönpa in Bern, Switzerland. In addition KBC Samudra were celebrating the opening of their new centre.

Medicine Buddha Empowerment – Temple for World Peace

On 26-28 April, around 130 people gathered at the Temple for World Peace - KMC Brazil for Medicine Buddha empowerment and teachings from Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Drime.

It was a wonderful weekend, followed by a three day retreat where 15 people engaged in the practice of both Medicine Buddha Prayer and Sadhana, applying all the advice and teachings received during the previous days.

For many it was the first time they had encountered Buddhadharma. Our community rejoiced in their good fortune to connect with Medicine Guru and to heal themselves and others.

Deep in our hearts we wish them to keep this precious connection with the medicine of Dharma!

blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni- KMC colombia

Over the weekend of 3-5 May, more than 80 people gathered at KMC Colombia in Bogota to receive the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni.

On Friday evening, Gen Kelsang Atisha, our Resident Teacher, gave an introductory teaching on Buddhist faith, which was attended by more than 80 people. On Saturday we received Buddha Shakyamuni empowerment, followed on Sunday by teachings on faith in the context of a beautiful commentary to the Liberating Prayer.

Kadampa disciples travelled from all over Colombia and other countries to join the Sangha of KMC Colombia and receive these powerful blessings and profound teachings. With their hearts filled with joyful blessings, we concluded with a Wishfulfilling Jewel puja in a very joyful atmosphere.

We sincerely thank our precious Spiritual Guide, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche, for his boundless kindness and our kind Resident Teacher for his inspiring teachings. May Dharma continue to flourish throughout Colombia, South America and the world.


The opening celebration weekend of the new KBC Samudra, in Lausanne, was an amazing and auspicious event! Over 60 people attended this happy occasion that was 15 years in the making. Gen Kelsang Devi, Resident Teacher of KMC Switzerland and IRC Kaïlash, granted the blessing empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa.

We started the weekend with a beautiful blessing ceremony with Gen Devi explaining the great purpose of our new KBC. The opening celebration continued with Wishfulfilling Jewel prayers with a vast tsog offering, and a special dedication for the flourishing of Kadam Dharma throughout the world. The evening ended with a community party, full of joy and gratitude.

The following day Gen Kelsang Devi granted the empowerment of Je Tsongkhapa. Her teachings provided valuable guidance and gave us confidence in the practice of Heart Jewel, helping us to have a successful meditation practice. Our Resident Teacher, Gen Kelsang Jikgyob, led the morning meditation and a Heart Jewel retreat the following day.

Thank you to everyone who came to help us celebrate this unique and deeply meaningful event, to all the volunteers who made it possible, and to all the people who attended from all over Switzerland, France and Austria.

Most of all, thank you, Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso, for giving the Lausanne community the opportunity to transform our lives and the lives of others.

the empowerment of Arya Tara - KMC Cordoba

At a special weekend event students came together to receive the empowerment of Green Tara with Kelsang Chodzom, Resident Teacher at KMC Cordoba (Argentina).

Inspired by the love of our dear Spiritual Guide, we shared meditations, teachings and received blessings of our enlightened mother, Arya Tara, that give us strength to free ourselves from inner and outer obstacles. Through these blessings may Dharma flourish and benefit all Argentinians and the whole world.

Buddhas Amitayus Empowerment in Bern, Switzerland

At the beginning of May, Resident Teacher Kadam Hélène Oester gave the empowerment of Buddha Amitayus at KBC Dromtönpa. It was a very auspicious and blessed event and was attended by 20 people.


Spotlight on Reels for the New Year

New year. 2025

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2

NKT - MANJUSHRI KMC - 2025 2025-01 New year (KM)-30

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings


Purifying with Buddha Vajrasattva ~ A Perfect Way to End the Year