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20 April 2024

Celebrating Buddha's Enlightenment Day

NKT-IKBU - UK - MKMC Nyungnay - 2024 -DSCF3426

Nyungnay practice is a special purification ritual that is done once a year as a group practice in Kadampa Centers on Buddha’s Enlightenment Day. Many Centers organize a Nyungnay retreat where practitioners celebrate Buddha Shakyamuni's attainment of enlightenment.

IKRC Grand Canyon
IKRC Grand Canyon

Beginning with the practice of taking the Eight Mahayana Precepts, this retreat involves fasting and doing three retreat sessions with the sadhana Drop of Essential Nectar over two days. Everyone is welcome to join these special retreats organized at their local Center to increase their love and compassion. Making extensive offerings, praises, and prostrations to thousand-armed (eleven-faced) Avalokiteshvara results in accumulating great merit and purifying vast negativity for ourselves and others.


Everyone welcome!

NKT US - New Kadampa Tradition - New YorkDSC_2996-X4

Nagarjuna’s intention at KMC New York

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NKT - Madhayamaka KMC - 2024 (17)

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