Visiting Teachers in Teachers in Paris, Metz and Manchester
Feb 13, 2025
The three International Festivals are precious opportunities to receive teachings and empowerments from the Gen-las, and this experience is greatly enhanced if we can spend some time after the Festival in retreat improving our understanding of the teachings and taking their meaning to heart.
Post-festival retreats are organised by Kadampa centers around the world after each of the three International Festivals. See below for details of retreats following the 2023 Fall Festival.
Oct 13 – 19
Medicine for the Mind
with Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab
Post-Fall Festival retreat at Tara IKRC led by Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, Retired General Spiritual Director of The New Kadampa Tradition and Resident Teacher of Tara IKRC.
In this retreat we will have the opportunity to take the teachings of Fall Festival deep into our hearts and connect with Medicine Buddha practice to profoundly heal our mental continuum.
Oct 20 – 25
Maintaining A Pure Heart
With Gen Kelsang Sangden
Gen Sangden is the Resident Teacher of KMC Mexico and the National Spiritual Director of Mexico, Chile, Nicaragua, Colombia and Peru
Gen Sangden will guide meditations and give commentary on the teachings from the Festival on the practices of Medicine Buddha and the Eleven Reversals which show the benefits of Lamrim meditation and are an inspiring measurement of how to progress on the spiritual path.
Oct 13 – 17
Healing from the Heart
with Gen Kelsang Devi, Principal teacher of Kailash IRC and KMC Switzerland
Following the International Fall Festival in Malaga, Spain, Gen Kelsang Devi will guide a retreat based on the teachings and commentaries given. Through relying upon Medicine Buddha with faith we develop a special power of body, speech and mind, which we can then use to help others through healing actions from our heart.
Oct 14 – 18
Healing for our Heart
with Gen Kelsang Ananda, the National Spiritual Director for NKT-IKBU in Germany, Romania and Slovenia.
Retreat on the teachings of the Eleven Reversals, in conjunction with the practice of Medicine Buddha. Through these instructions and the blessings of Medicine Buddha, you can overcome self-centeredness and heal your heart and that of others through the power of your compassion.
Oct 13 – 17
Developing a Pure Heart
With Gen Kelsang Rabten, the National Spiritual Director for Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, and Resident Teacher at KMC Australia and KMC Sydney
Based on teachings from the Fall Festival at Malaga KMC, Gen Rabten will guide four days of retreat.
Oct 13 – 17
Meditation is Medicine
with Kadam Morten, Eastern US National Spiritual Director of the NKT and Resident Teacher at KMC New York City
Based on teachings from the Fall Festival at KMC Spain, Kadam Morten will guide a five day retreat, sharing the explanation given by Gen-la Khyenrab on the Eleven Reversals. A completely healthy mind is one that has been freed from the darkness of ignorance – our distorted perception of the world and others.
Oct 21 – 23
Living with a Pure Heart
with Gen Kelsang Tonglam, National Spiritual Director of East Asia and Resident Teacher of KMC Hong Kong
In this post-festival retreat, Gen Tonglam will guide meditations and give commentary on the teachings from the International Fall Festival on the Eleven Reversals, the key to gaining actual Dharma realizations. It helps us to find the right direction in life and progress along the spiritual path through the practice of Lamrim.
This retreat will be conducted in Cantonese only.
Oct 20 – 22
Healing ourselves through our good heart : The practice of the Medicine Buddha
With Gen Kelsang Chögyan, Resident Teacher at KMC Montreal.
Based on the teachings from Fall Festival in Malaga, Gen Chögyan will be guiding this weekend retreat on the eleven reversals in conjunction with the practice of the Medicine Buddha sadhana. By gaining familiarity with these instructions in meditation and integrating them into our daily lives, we will quickly reverse our normal selfish attitudes and through the power of our love, compassion and wisdom, gain control of our minds.