Walk for world peace with KMC Montreal

To celebrate NKT Day, KMC Montreal organized its first fundraiser, Walk for World Peace. They went to Mount Royal to walk for peace and enjoy the sunshine, meditation and picnic at the summit.

"The afternoon continued at the center with a tea,scones and a talk about Kadampa Festivals. We were deeply inspired to take to heart Venerable Geshe-la's message to keep the intention to attend all festivals, the best method to maintain the International Union of Kadampa Buddhism, which allows us to fulfill all our wishes."

NKT-Australian Festival 25_DSF6048

Australian Festival 2025

NKT-KMC Chile, Talca April-crop(11)

Reaching new areas in Chile


Spotlight on reels for the New Year

New year. 2025

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2