Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka counting retreat

"Kadampas from all over Germany gathered at Tharpaland KMC to engage in the Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka counting retreat. Being able to practice the Hundreds of Deities of the Joyful Land sadhana and recite 100,000 mantras has been a wonderful and blessed opportunity."

"We concluded by offering all our negativities, obstacles and degenerate commitments to Vajradaka, engaging in fire offerings.

"Despite all the storm and cold winter weather, it felt very peaceful and everyone returned home with a joyful mind and Guru Sumati Buddha Heruka firmly placed in our hearts.

"We feel great gratitude for everything Venerable Geshe-la has given us and dedicate the merit from this retreat to the flourishing of Kadam Dharma in Germany and worldwide."

For more information visit

New year. 2025

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings – Part 2

NKT - MANJUSHRI KMC - 2025 2025-01 New year (KM)-30

Entering the New Year with Buddha’s Blessings


Purifying with Buddha Vajrasattva ~ A Perfect Way to End the Year


Year-End Course At KMC New York: Concluding The Year With Loving Kindness