"Last weekend, we had one of the most valuable experiences in the history of the New Kadampa Tradition in Colombia."

"For the first time, Gen-la Jampa, Deputy Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, visited our country to share teachings on developing the mind of compassion, and on transforming our fearful and anxious society into a more loving, wise and, of course, compassionate one."


"During this 3-day event we received the empowerment of four-armed Avalokiteshvara and a beautiful and meaningful commentary on his sadhana. Gen-la Jampa showed us how to integrate all the parts of this practice into our daily life. With these teachings we are able to transform our mind full of delusions and suffering into one that remains wise and peaceful.

"Gen-la emphasized the importance of relying upon the three jewels, particularly upon our spiritual teachers, and the benefits of having a close-knit sangha in order to progress through the stages of the path to enlightenment."

It was a very beautiful and significant event that I am sure touched the hearts of those who attended.

I think it is the impulse we needed to promote the flourishing of the Dharma in Colombia. We are infinitely grateful to Gen-la and to our kind spiritual guide Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche for this wonderful oportunity.

For more information visit meditacionencolombia.org


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Bonus Bulletin – 29 January

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Urban retreats at local centers around the world – Oases of peace