
Summer Festival 2021 ~ Week 2

Day 8 ~ Buddha nature Awakening

opening the gateway to highest yoga tantra

In Week 2 of the Festival we will receive the Highest Yoga Tantra empowerments of Heruka & Vajrayogini and commentary to the practice from Gen-la Kelsang Jampa, NKT-IKBU Deputy Spiritual Director.

Venerable Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche says, 'The gateway through which we enter Tantra is receiving a Tantric empowerment. An empowerment bestows upon us special blessings that heal our mental continuum and awaken our Buddha nature.'

Through receiving these empowerments and teachings we will be introduced to the very essence of Kadampa Buddhism and the quick path to enlightenment.

festival podcast

Welcome to week 2

Gen Rabten
Gen Rabten
Welcome to week 2

What to look forward to this week

How to receive the empowerments & commentaries

Please note, there are some important stipulations you must observe to receive a qualified empowerment and be eligible to attend the subsequent commentary:

  1. To receive the empowerment must attend all four sessions of the Heruka and Vajrayogini empowerments
  2. To receive the commentary you must have received these empowerments
  3. Each empowerment session will be broadcast only once in the time zone that you have booked for and will not be available for catch-up

Please enjoy the second week of this extraordinary Festival.


teaching excerpt

you should go there soon

feature video

fortunate modern kadampas

center video

KMC brisbane

international community

the international kadampa family online

If you would like to contribute a video story, photo story, snapshot or insight, please email to [email protected]

video stories

How the Festival works at the Barcelona Hub

enjoying the festival at IKRC menorca

15 new people for HYT in Long island

preparing the shrine at tharplaand KMC



Use the buttons at the bottom or swipe for more


It has been almost a year since I entered the Dharma path after stumbling upon an online meditation course that took place during the worst days of the lockdown.

I first started this spiritual practice in order to find some peace for myself but soon discovered the power of doing it for the benefit of others. I got to know my local Teachers and sangha in Barcelona and soon discovered how my practice changed once it took place in a larger community of kind hearted people.

After a year of enjoying the benefits of developing this practice I feel blessed, thrilled and slightly apprehensive ,I must admit, to have the opportunity to take the Heruka and Vajrayogini empowerment at this NKT Summer Festival.

I am aware of the importance of this event and extremely happy and grateful that in this complicated year that has produced so much suffering I can follow the empowerment surrounded by other Dharma practitioners in a beautiful Temple feeling part of this global sangha.

These people are always helpful and ready to offer their advice and share their experience, making it easier to receive the benefits and blessings of this event. I feel really privileged and grateful to be able to receive these powerful teachings hoping they will benefit myself and especially, the rest of sentient beings.



We want to say, during the empowerment ceremony, when we recognise the Teacher as living Buddha Heruka himself before us and receive his powerful blessings.

This is true, but this is a dependent related event that depends on much that goes before it:

  1. When the Teacher is doing his or her empowerment preparations.
  2. Through the work of the volunteers who ensure that the broadcast and translations reach thousands of people around the world.
  3. In the work of registration team, and all those who prepare the ritual substances and offerings.
  4. In the publicity for the event and the encouragement from the Teachers to attend.
  5. In every teaching and example we receive from our Spiritual Guide.
  6. When the ultimate bodhichitta of Heruka manifests as this Spiritual Guide.

How can we not recognise the miracle of all of this and be grateful for such infinite kindness?


WEB- MAIN PICTURE (1920 x 1350 px)

Auspicious beginnings to the year

IKRC Grand Canyon USA

Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight


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January at Manjushri KMC