
Day 1 ~ The Festival begins

Tonight at 19.30 UK time, Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab, retired General Spiritual Director of NKT-IKBU, will introduce the 2021 International Spring Festival online. Thousands of people from all over the world will come together as a virtual community to enjoy this special occasion.

Please explore this page and become familiar with what is on offer. All the content on this page will be renewed every day during the Festival. If you would like to contribute any videos, photos or stories please email them to [email protected]

If you have registered you will receive a link to the actual Festival page, which will include the daily program and video viewer, as well as everything you see on this page. If you have not yet registered, it's not too late. Please visit the booking page.

And don't miss the opening Festival podcast below in which Gen Rabten introduces you to all the delights that are in store over the next few days.

festival podcast

Introduction to the Festival

Gen Rabten
Gen Rabten
Introduction to the Festival

An introduction to the Spring Festival 2021

video wall

there is no one who has not received help from buddha

Starting Saturday, a video excerpt from the previous day's teaching will appear here

feature video

An extraordinary development!

international family album

kmc edinburgh ~ home of gen-la kunsang

inter connected

international kadampa family online

If you would like to contribute a video story, photo story, snapshot or insight, please email to [email protected]

video stories

Agnes, Poland

Olga, Russia

Marlyse, France

Kelsang Namnyi, Germany

Jose, Spain

photo stories

Renaud, France

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-26 at 12.38.21

Je suis très content de participer au Festival international de printemps Kadampa 2021 ! D'abord parce qu'il nous offre l'opportunité de nous connecter à Bouddha Shakyamouni, qui a montré et expliqué toutes les méthodes pour être heureux et aider les autres à être heureux. Ensuite parce qu'il sera donné un commentaire de la "Prière de Requête au Seigneur de Toutes les Lignées", qui est l'essence même de toutes ces méthodes, de toute la voie du Soutra et du Tantra.

Emmanuel, spain

WhatsApp Image 2021-05-26 at 12.38.21 (1)

I’m deeply happy and looking forward to receive Buddha Shakyamuni empowerment. I feel Buddha Shakyamuni is like my spiritual father, as he is the founder of Buddhism in our world. I’m also very happy to be able to deepen my understanding of the Request to the Lord of All Lineages. I’ve promised myself that I will take this opportunity to learn it and I feel deep joy with this determination.

Maria, Portugal


Through attending the Spring Festival with a kind and open heart, may I receive many blessings from my Guru to purify the negativities and obstructions from my mind so I can be more benefitical to others.

Festival Snapshots

We start the Festival Snapshots with photos of some of the kind people around the world who prepared the Festival translations. Their diligent work means thousands of people can enjoy the teachings and meditations.
A big thank you to all the translators.



Use the buttons at the bottom or swipe for more


The more I practice the Request to the Lord of all Lineages, the more I feel how magical it is - as if Venerable Geshe-la's very words and thoughts enter my mind and open up profound pathways of understanding and experience.

What a privilege to receive the commentary and blessing of this precious practice from Gen-la Khyenrab, who received the oral instruction of the practice directly from Venerable Geshe-la himself!

Everything we will receive at this Festival has come from Venerable Geshe-la and so from Buddha himself. So how special to receive also the blessing empowerment of Buddha Shakyamuni from Gen-la.

I feel so fortunate, and joyful. Can't wait for the Festival to start this evening!



The NKT Spring Festival 2021 is almost here - and don’t we need it! Venerable Geshe-la encouraged us strongly always to attend every Festival every year whenever we possibly can because this is the best method to maintain the International Kadampa Buddhist Union for future generations - and because we really need it for our own spiritual practice.

Every year, we meet together with our Sangha friends to encourage and support each other on our spiritual path. The coronavirus situation has made it impossible to meet together physically; it’s been very challenging for most people these last couple of years. So how lucky - how unbelievably fortunate - to have this precious opportunity to meet together virtually. We really need this; what would these difficult times be like without Kadam Dharma? Everybody needs this.

This year, we will receive the blessing of Buddha Shakyamuni empowerment and the commentary to the Request to the Lord of All Lineages prayer of the stages of the path to enlightenment from Gen-la Kelsang Khyenrab. What better way to recharge our spiritual batteries and reconnect with the real meaning of our precious human life? I can’t wait!


festival shop


This year, as last year, we have created an online Festival Shop where you can purchase high-quality Dharma items and gift items as well as all your Tharpa items. Your purchases will be securely packed and promptly shipped to any country in the world.

WEB- MAIN PICTURE (1920 x 1350 px)

Auspicious beginnings to the year

IKRC Grand Canyon USA

Kadampa International Retreat Centres – Places of Deep Insight


Join a free 30-Day Meditation Challenge


January at Manjushri KMC