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10 April 2021

Protection from untimely death

German Dharma Celebration 2021 ~ April 16-19

At the 2021 German Dharma Celebration fortunate Kadampa disciples in Germany will receive White Tara empowerment on the weekend of April 16-19, granted by the National Spiritual Director Gen Kelsang Ananda.

Due to the ongoing Covid restrictions in Germany the German Dharma Celebration will be live-streamed from Tharpaland KMC.

On this course we will learn how we can rely sincerely on White Tara for protection from inner dangers such as contagious diseases and outer dangers such as natural disasters. These days, we especially need this protection!

Watch this short video in which Gen Ananda explains why it is so important to be protected from untimely death through the blessings of Venerable White Tara.

Everybody welcome.


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